Privacy Policy

Privacy beleid

Gewoon JIP. is zich ervan bewust dat je vertrouwen in ons stelt. We zien het dan ook als onze verantwoordelijkheid om je privacy te beschermen.

Dit privacybeleid is van toepassing op de diensten van Gewoon JIP. Door gebruik te maken van deze website geef je aan het privacybeleid te accepteren. Gewoon JIP. respecteert de privacy van alle gebruikers van zijn website en behandelt de persoonlijke informatie die je ons verschaft vertrouwelijk.

Wanneer je een bestelling plaatst of een account aanmaakt vragen we je om persoonsgegevens te verstrekken. De gegevens worden opgeslagen op eigen beveiligde servers van Gewoon JIP. of die van een derde partij (zoals die van onze logistiek partner De Pakkettenfabriek). Wij zullen deze gegevens niet combineren met andere persoonlijke gegevens waarover wij beschikken.

Alle (persoonlijke) gegevens die verzameld worden via telefoon, aanvraagformulieren en andere manieren worden vrijwillig verkregen. Wij zorgen ervoor dat op een correcte wijze wordt omgegaan met persoonsgegevens.

Wanneer je e-mail of andere berichten naar ons verzendt, is het mogelijk dat we die berichten bewaren. Soms vragen wij naar jouw persoonlijke gegevens die voor de desbetreffende situatie relevant zijn. Dit maakt het mogelijk jouw vragen te verwerken en jouw verzoeken te beantwoorden. De gegevens worden opgeslagen op eigen beveiligde servers van Gewoon JIP. of die van een derde partij.

Wij verzamelen gegevens voor onderzoek om zo een beter inzicht te krijgen in onze klanten, zodat wij onze diensten hierop kunnen afstemmen. Zo maken wij gebruik van de Facebook pixel, welke ons helpt te analyseren hoe gebruikers de site gebruiken. Daarnaast wordt gebruik gemaakt van de tracking van onze nieuwsbrieven (waarvoor jij je vrijwillig aanmeldt en ten alle tijde kan afmelden) door middel van Mailchimp. Hierdoor kunnen wij bijvoorbeeld zien of een e-mail gelezen wordt. Deze informatie wordt uiteraard niet met derden gedeeld. Met Google analytics hebben wij een verwerkersovereenkomst afgesproken. Persoonlijke gegevens worden in geen geval met Google gedeeld, al deze opties hebben wij uitgezet. De gegevens worden hier gedurende 26 maanden behouden, hierna worden deze – indien er geen nieuwe activiteit plaatsvindt – verwijderd.

Vragen en feedback

We controleren regelmatig of we aan dit privacybeleid voldoen. Als je vragen hebt over dit privacybeleid, kun je contact met ons opnemen via


Mei 2018.


Voor een uitgebreidere (Engelstalige) beschrijving van ons privacy beleid neemt u kennis van onderstaande.



We are Gewoon JIP.. We respect your privacy and private life, but sometimes we need your personal data. In this privacy policy we explain which data we use and how we save, protect and process this data. This privacy policy applies to our website (the “Website) and the services that we offer (the “Services”). We comply with the General Data Protection Regulation and, when implemented, with the relevant provisions under Dutch law (the “Relevant Legislation”).

Are you under the age of sixteen?

If you are younger than sixteen years old, you cannot use our Website and Services without the permission of your parents or legal guardian.

Personal data

To offer our Website and Services we process personal data. “Personal data” means any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person. This definition used in our Privacy Policy is not identical to the definition of Personal Data as stipulated in the Relevant Legislation for reasons of readability.

Your permission

We can store your data at various moments, for example when you visit our Website, create an account via our Website, use our Services or when you contact us. We are allowed to process your data because we ask your permission via this privacy policy. In addition, we need your data to carry out the agreement between you and us. If you choose not to share your data, thenwe cannot process and deliver your orders

We will not process your data without your consent, unless we are legally obliged to do so.

What data do we collect and how do we use your data?

To use our Website and Services, we need the following data:

Your name

Your address

Your e-mail address

Your payment details

We can also store the following non-personal data if you use our Website:


We save the following data to your account: Usernames, passwords, email address. This way, you don’t need to provide us with your data again. We also save – for your own convenience – the data of former orders.


Gewoon JIP. offers newsletters. That way, you are fully informed of (discount)offers and other news. We use an opt-in system Every time we send you a newsletter you have the possibility to unsubscribe from the newsletter.


For your order we need your name, e-mail address, address(es) and payment details. We will register, save and process your details to process your order efficiently and correctly. If necessary, we will also use that data for a subsequent guarantee. While processing your order we provide De Pakkettenfabriek, logistic partner relevant personal data.

We will only use your personal data for the purposes listed above or any other purpose that is connected thereto. This way, your data will never be used by us in an unexpected way.


We work hard to protect your personal data from unauthorized or unlawful access, alteration, disclosure, use or destruction. That way, unauthorized persons do not have access to your data. We take the following measures to protect your personal data:

Encryption of digital files that contain personal data

Secure network connections with Secure Socket Layer (SSL) technology or a technology that is similar to SSL

The access to the data is limited to the persons that need the data

The access of the data is secured with two-step verification

How long do we store your data?

We shall store your personal data for as long as necessary to fulfil the purposes listed above.


We will only process your data within the European Union. We will only process your data outside of the European Union if the country has an effective protection level for your data.

We will never transfer your data to other countries or other parties then described above.


Cookies are little (text)files which are stored on your computer. Your web browser stores these cookies when you visit our Website. These cookies will be retrieved when you visit our website again. This allows our Website to recognise you as a previous visitor.

We may use cookies to improve your user experience on our Website. Cookies are essential for the operation of our Website, make sure that you can visit our Website safely and track bugs and errors at our Website.

By storing cookies we make sure that:

your items are kept in the shopping cart

you are logged in and be able to shop without hindrance

you shop safely atGewoon JIP.

You can change your cookie settings in your browser, if you don’t want cookies to be sent to your device. We will not save cookies if you visit our Website. Please note that some Website features or services of our Website may not function properly without cookies.

Modifications to this privacy policy

We may update our privacy policy from time to time. When we change this privacy policy in a significant way, we will post a notification on our Website along with the updated privacy policy. We also inform users that are registered with an email address in case of any significate moderation. If you are not registered as user we advise you to visit the Website and this policy regularly.

Your rights

The data we collect is personal. Therefore, you have the following rights:

You may request access to the personal data we process about you;

You may request us to correct, update, shield or delete your personal information in our records;

You may request a copy of the personal data we have processed about you. We can – on your request – send this copy to another party, so you don’t have to send the data yourself;

You may file a complaint against processing your data;

You may file a complaint to the Dutch Data Protection Authority(Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens), if you are under the impression that we process your data unlawfully;

You may always withdraw your consent to process your data. We cannot process your data from the moment you withdraw your consent.

Should you have further questions regarding this privacy policy, please contact us via the information below.

Contact information

Gewoon JIP.

Lijnbaansgracht 27

1015 GP Amsterdam

KvK-number: 55199097

May 2018.